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California Rain

California Winter 2024/2025 Weather Update

December was a notably warm month. The second half of the month was more variable, but overall, temperatures averaged an impressive 2 to 6+ degrees above normal in most areas.
Precipitation was limited in December especially to the south. Once again, bountiful rainfall was observed in Northern California, which extended somewhat into Central California. But much of Southern California experienced near record dry conditions.
Precipitation in Southern California for the past 2 months is well below normal with less than 25% of normal and in many cases less than 10% of normal, with numbers steadily increasing to the north. Snowpack for the Central and Southern Sierra is running a respectable 80-100% of normal. That reflects the partial extension of Northern California’s abundant precipitation into Central California, and overall statewide snowpack is in good standing. However, there has been little to no snowfall over the Southern California mountains.

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